Friday, June 29, 2007

Practice To Be A Prof

I found this to be a timely and applicable article.
PhD candidates need to realize that it's just not about the research; they need to learn strategies for teaching in diversified methods. Traditional lectures just don't and won't cut it today. All students are capable of learning and teachers need to realize that individual educational paths are here to stay. That's what I love about my position as an educator in the library media center. I have to be capable and responsible to have resources available for each learner. The cool thing about this,is that I am also on the receiving end of the gift of knowledge!

McHoroscope for Aries

Today is a 7. You're gaining a broader perspective. The view's great from the top of the mountain. You can see a new path to success, if you look for it.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

McFirst Entry

Everyday, I try to make a diffenece. I live with integrity and always attempt to meet challenges with courage and grace. I believe that a mind stretched will never go back to its orignal dimensions. I try to keep growinging and learning by exposing myself to new information. I find that it's more important to know where I going than to get there quickly.